I’ve never slept with a man for money – Blessing CEO brags

Nigerian relationship adviser, Blessing Okoro, better known as Blessing CEO says she has never slept with a man for monetary gains.

She made the statement through her official Instagram page while arguing that not every woman engages in ‘runs’ as many make their money legitimately.

Blessing bragged about her chastity and advised industrious ladies to be proud of their hustle by adjusting the crown and not letting side talks get to them.

I've never slept with a man for money - Blessing CEO brags - officialbblessingceo 327771500 1977376372661045 6265485107812945906 n

According to the Influencer, men always try to project themselves unto successful women in a bid to feel powerful.

She stressed that the business of selling ones body for money is not for every woman out there.

Blessing wrote; “Not every woman does RUNS…Women are so so hardworking that men keep projecting themselves to women just to feel powerful.

I brag with it, Blessingceo has never 4k for money. Women adjust your crown forget noise makers . Runs is not for everybody .. Just a reminder that a lot of women make legit money.”

Similarly, Nigerian comedian and content creator, Mz Gabbie, also known as Flora, has said people find it hard to believe that female skit-makers make their money through skits.

She explained that she and her female colleagues do extra to get noticed because they are often judged wrongly.

According to Mz Gabbie, whose real name is Omozele Gabriel, people accuse successful women in the industry of either being sponsored by men or using skit-making as a guise to sell their bodies.

Speaking in an interview with The Punch, she said; “Female skit makers do extra to get noticed and I will speak for them. If one goes outside of her character, people will think one is trying to attract men. Some people believe if a female skit maker is achieving success, then that person is sleeping with one man or one is using it as a cover up for one’s hook-up plan. It is difficult for women in skit making because we have to always prove ourselves that we are equally funny and that we can equally create content.”

Mz Gabbie added; “This is exhausting sometimes. If you ask someone to name skit makers in Nigeria, the person might have named five male skit makers before they call a female skit maker. We are doing a lot and we are breaking boundaries. I feel like we should be recognised too, just the way our male counterparts are being recognised.”

On the successes recorded, she said that her highlight of 2022 was when she performed at ZicSaloma’s show in London.

The comedian said; “My highpoint of 2022 was when I performed in London at the Zicsaloma’s show. It was beautiful. Also, it was so good to know that I have fans in London. It was a refreshing moment for me and a reminder that I can break more barriers and go many places with my talent and career.”

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