Nursery school girl marvels parents, teachers with her knowledge of basic science (Video)

A Nigerian girl in nursery has gone viral over the manner she displayed her intelligence during a presentation in class.

She amazed parents and teachers with her ability to brilliantly define living things and explained the difference with non-living things.

In the trending video clip, she first introduced herself and proceeded to give her presentation in front everybody.

The confident girl used objects in class to illustrate examples of living things which include human beings and plants.

The pupil laid out objects like pencil and market which she said can be categorised as non-living things.

When she was done, she thanked her fellow pupils, teachers and parents for her listening to her.

Sharing the video, @Gwazavictoria wrote; “If my child isn’t as smart as this, she was definitely switched at birth”.

Watch the video:

Meanwhile, a Nigerian man identified as Obinna Nwosu, has taken to social media to reflect on his time as a corp member who helped a student to realise his potentials.

He took to Twitter and shared a photo of of him in 2013 while doing his National Youth Service Programme as a teacher in a secondary school.

Obinna, who is running for Federal House of Representatives Ikwuano / Umuahia Federal Constituency in 2023, was snapped talking to a boy known as the most stubborn kid in school with poor grades.

According to the young man he served in Edo state and God used him as an agent of transformation to change the boy’s ife.

He said he was able to take the boy under his mentorship and tutored him till and by the end of the school session he moved from 15th to 8th position.

Obinna wrote; ”This was 2013, when I was serving in Edo state, I was told that this kid was the most stubborn boy in school with very poor grades. I brought him close and tutored him. During my 1 yr stay, he went from 15th position to 8th. God used me as an agent of transformation.”

Reacting a tweep wrote; I see you as someone who will change the norms set up by the old older folks who have taken the people captives for decades. It gladden my heart whenever I see young people who are committed to a good cause & ready to do the right thing. May God grant you victories in Jesus Name.

from CorrectNG
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