Beautiful lady proudly flaunts her certificate of virginity

A beautiful South African lady has gone on social media to celebrate after being certified a virgin by the state.

She received a certificate of virginity after undergoing a chastity test at the Sivuselela Amasiko Trust.

Beautiful lady proudly flaunts her certificate of virginity - lady virginity2

It is a custom in some African countries like Malawi, South Africa and Congo for young maidens to be subjected to a purity test.

The lady must be 18 years and above before they can be eligible for testing. The purpose of this test is to encourage female chastity.

Beautiful lady proudly flaunts her certificate of virginity - lady virginity1

A certificate will be presented by the society when the virginity test is completed and the girl has been proven to remain “untouched”.

Photos of the lady in a jubilant mood surfaced on social media and stirred reactions.

Beautiful lady proudly flaunts her certificate of virginity - lady virginity3

Beautiful lady proudly flaunts her certificate of virginity - lady virginity4

Reacting, @tboysquare tweeted: If I agree make I bend 😂

@Cheztoi3Foods: Something ive collected every year?

@harryofido: Call INEC if you need to rig your virg!nity test!

@BossGmoney1: I wished I had known earlier

@iamsmartsheddy: Most Nigerian girls will receive Certificate of Performance instead 😭😂😂

@gerraldfabian: After seeing INEC’s forged election results I no fit believe anything on paper anymore.

@kalu_nnanna17: For this particular babe matter ehn comrade in this life 2 things can happen but 2 happen can never things 😤 shey u Gerrit 👌🏾

@Jeff_Bini: I know say this our virg!n life go pay us one day 💪🏾

@khaleelshot: A meeting was called by the ministry of virg!n affairs, only few of us got certified after thorough checking and tests. I’m proud to be one. The certificate is confidential I should have screenshot.

Meanwhile, a 33-year-old man has gone online to seek help with searching for a woman who shares the same values with him so that he can marry her.

He wrote to an online counselor to help connect him with a lady who has the qualities he is looking for in a wife.

The man, who revealed he is still a virgin said he’s never been in a relationship all his life and he’s scared of the modern day woman who are very active n the bedroom.

He specifically asked for a lady that’s also a virgin like him, and would love to keep their chastity till marriage.

According to him, a woman between 21 to 22 years he can put his trust in and build a peaceful home with is the type he wants.

In his words; “I’m a guy of 33, and proudly a virgin. I’m from Anambra and looking forward to settling down from 2023. I’ve not been in any relationship before now and I’m scared of this end time ladies with high penile mileage.

I need someone who shares the same value with me,no sex before marriage. I need someone I can trust and have a peaceful home with. A post you made about 3 hours ago about a girl of 21 or 22yrs who wants to keep herself,really got me. I will so much appreciate it if you can link us up. Or any advice from you will be welcome.”

from CorrectNG
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