Five Countries Nigerians Can Travel To Without Visa

As the Japa Syndrome keeps being on the rise, there are Nigerians who wish to travel abroad but are hindered by the inability to get entry visa into the country of their choice.

Nigerian passport holders have the opportunity of traveling to several countries other than Canada, USA,or UK without having a visa but many are not aware of this.

According to the latest data, there are about 26 countries that Nigerian nationals can jet out to, visa-free, but for the article, CorrectNG will list five (5) nations that permit entry with nothing other than passport.

It is, however, important to note that for visa-free travels, an individual must have a valid passport — usually six months before your departure date and the person must have secured travel health insurance as required by the country of destination.


One of the countries that Nigerians can travel to without having a visa is Barbados. It is located in North America. The population is over 280,000. and a person can live in the country with an average of $1,200 (N900,000).

Barbados Luxury Resort

Fiji Island

The second country that permits arrival of foreigners without visa is Fiji. It is an island of over 900,000 people located in Oceania on the continent of Australia.

Nigerians who wish to become citizens of Fiji Island must have been residing in the country on a valid permit or exemption status for no less than three years before filing the application.

Fiji Island Vacation lodge

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis, located in North America also welcomes Nigerians amongst other nationals without demanding visa. The country boasts of having one of the best vacation spots and hotels in the world. The population is about 47,000.


Another country on the list is Haiti, which is on the North American continent. Nigerians do not need a visa if they wish to travel to Haiti. There are communities in the country that speak Yoruba and it is said to have cultures similar to certain Nigerian tribes.

Haiti, residential neighbourhood


Last on the list is an African nation, Liberia, which is also in West Africa alongside Nigeria. Liberia is about 2,757.3 km away from the Giant of Africa.

A travel who wishes to live in the country would have to budget about $421, Food; $188 and daily transport of $52.

According to VisaGuide Passport Index, the Nigerian passport ranks 189th in the world asides from countries that do not demand visa, there are 26 nations that would permit Nigerian nationals to land at their airports and issue visa on arrivals.

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